Instrument of Jesus' crucifixion
The instrument of Jesus' crucifixion is generally taken to have been composed of an upright wooden beam to which was added a transom, thus forming a "cruciform" or T-shaped structure.
Crucifixion on a crux simplex ad affixionem: drawing in a 1629 reprint of De cruce of Justus Lipsius (1547–1606)
Crucifixion of Jesus, by Justus Lipsius: De cruce (1595), p. 47
Justus Lipsius, De cruce. Minucius Felix: "ships...with swelling sails...with expanded oars"
Stauros is a Greek word for a stake or an implement of capital punishment. The Greek New Testament uses the word stauros for the instrument of Jesus' crucifixion, and it is generally translated as "cross" in religious texts, while also being translated as pillar or tree in Christian contexts. This article covers the use of the word for other contexts.
Image by Justus Lipsius of one of the two meanings that he attributed to the term crux simplex.
Justus Lipsius: De cruce, p. 47 Image by Justus Lipsius of the crucifixion of Jesus