Jászság is a historical, ethnographical and geographical region in Hungary. Its 1,161 km2 (448 sq mi) territory is situated in the north-western part of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The main town in the region is Jászberény. Jászság is inhabited by the Jassic people, an Iranian ethnic group whose linguistic base is preserved by the Ossetians. The population of the region is around 85,000.
The main church in the center of Jászberény
Jászapáti library
Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok County
Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok is an administrative county in Hungary. It lies in central Hungary and shares borders with the Hungarian counties Pest, Heves, Borsod–Abaúj–Zemplén, Hajdú–Bihar, Békés, Csongrád, and Bács–Kiskun. The rivers Tisza and Körös flow through the county. The capital of Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok county is Szolnok. Its area is 5582 km2. The county is named after the Ossetians (Jasz) and Cumans (Kun) who settled there, along with Szolnok. The county was part of the Danube–Criș–Mureș–Tisa Euroregion between 1997 and 2004.
Image: Szélmalom (6010. számú műemlék) 3
Image: Tiszavirágzás a Tiszainokai kikötőnél, 2011. június 13 án
Image: Zsinagóga (17737. számú műemlék) 3
County hall of Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok