Jean-Pierre Changeux is a French neuroscientist known for his research in several fields of biology, from the structure and function of proteins, to the early development of the nervous system up to cognitive functions. Although being famous in biological sciences for the MWC model, the identification and purification of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the theory of epigenesis by synapse selection are also notable scientific achievements. Changeux is known by the non-scientific public for his ideas regarding the connection between mind and physical brain. As put forth in his book, Conversations on Mind, Matter and Mathematics, Changeux strongly supports the view that the nervous system functions in a projective rather than reactive style and that interaction with the environment, rather than being instructive, results in the selection amongst a diversity of preexisting internal representations.
Jean-Pierre Changeux
Neurotransmitter acetylcholine bound to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Adapted from
Photo by Erling Mandelmann
The Pasteur Institute is a French non-profit private foundation dedicated to the study of biology, micro-organisms, diseases, and vaccines. It is named after Louis Pasteur, who invented pasteurization and vaccines for anthrax and rabies. The institute was founded on 4 June 1887 and inaugurated on 14 November 1888.
Medical Center of Institut Pasteur, Paris, Rue de Vaugirard
Institut Pasteur in Bandung, Dutch East Indies Under the Guided Democracy period, the Indonesian government nationalized this branch into Bio Farma.
Institut Pasteur in Tunis, ca.1900
The building hosting the Museum and the funeral chapel of Pasteur