John Soares is an American film director, actor, motion picture editor, and fight choreographer. He is best known for his martial arts fight choreography in "Sockbaby" and "The Danger Element," as well as for his editorial work in animation on projects like "Looney Tunes Cartoons" and "My Adventures with Superman.
John Soares
Modesto Junior College (MJC) is a public community college in Modesto, California. It is part of Yosemite Community College District along with Columbia College. MJC, and Columbia College, belong to the California Community College system along with 112 other public community colleges. The college has two campuses in Modesto. The East Campus is the original campus while the West Campus is the larger of the two. Courses are provided in general education, lower-division transfer programs, occupational and developmental education.
Modesto Junior College
The Morris Building houses administration departments.
The entrance to the main auditorium of Modesto Junior College's Performing Arts Center