John Wilkins Jr. was a United States Army officer who served as Quartermaster General of the United States Army from 1796 to 1802.
John Wilkins Jr.
Quartermaster General of the United States Army
The Quartermaster General of the United States Army is a general officer who is responsible for the Quartermaster Corps, the Quartermaster branch of the U.S. Army. The Quartermaster General does not command Quartermaster units, but is primarily focused on training, doctrine and professional development of Quartermaster soldiers. The Quartermaster General also serves as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School, Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia and the traditional Quartermaster Corps.
Quartermaster General of the United States Army
Quartermaster General Maj Gen Gregory discusses Army nurses' clothing with Lt. Alice Montgomery, Lt. Josephine Etz, and Lt. Leophile Bouchard, of Walter Reed Hospital. The Quartermaster General is responsible for supplying all branches of the Army.
Image: Thomas Mifflin
Image: Stephen Moylan (U.S. Army Quartermaster General)