Jumong is an epic South Korean historical series that aired on MBC from 2006 to 2007 as the network's 45th anniversary special. Originally scheduled for 60 episodes, MBC extended it to 81 because of its popularity.
Promotional poster
Jumong film set at Yongin Daejanggeum Park
Jumong film set
Chumo, posthumously Chumo the Saint, was the founding monarch of the kingdom of Goguryeo, and was worshipped as a god-king by the people of Goguryeo and Goryeo. Chumo was originally a Buyeo slang for an excellent archer, which became his name later. He was commonly recorded as Jumong by various Chinese literatures including history books written by Northern Qi and Tang—the name became dominant in future writings including Samguk Sagi and Samguk Yusa. Chumo's title was changed to Dongmyeong the Saint, literally translated to the Brilliant Saintly King of the East, at some point of time prior to compilation of Samguk Sagi (1145). His other names include Chumong, Jungmo, Nakamu, or Tomo. In Samguk Sagi, he was recorded as Jumong with the surname Go, and was also known as Junghae or Sanghae.
Stone statue of King Dongmyeong’s tomb in Pyongyang.