Junior Super Stars is a 2016 Tamil-language children talent-search reality show on Zee Tamil. It was initially premiered from the year 2016 also available to watch on digital platform ZEE5. Based on the Hindi language show India's Best Dramebaaz. It is a children's acting show, between the ages of 4–14 years as the participants. The show first season was premiered on 7 August 2016.
Junior Super Stars
Krishnasaamy Bhagyaraj is an Indian director, actor, screenwriter, music director, producer and politician active mainly in Tamil films. He has also written and directed Hindi films and TV serials. As an actor, he has worked in more than 75 films and has directed more than 25 films. He won a Filmfare Best Actor Award for Mundhanai Mudichu (1983). He received Lifetime Achievement Award in SIIMA (2014). He is the editor of weekly magazine Bhagya and has also written several novels.
Bhagyaraj in April 2014