Just Roll with It is an American family comedy television series created by Adam Small and Trevor Moore that aired on Disney Channel from June 14, 2019 to May 14, 2021. The series stars Ramon Reed, Kaylin Hayman, Suzi Barrett, Tobie Windham, and JC Currais.
Just Roll with It
Trevor Paul Moore was an American comedian, actor, writer, filmmaker, and solo comedy musician. He was known for being one of the three founding members—alongside Sam Brown and Zach Cregger—of the New York City-based comedy troupe the Whitest Kids U' Know (WKUK), who had their own sketch comedy series on IFC that ran for five seasons.
Moore at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con
The Whitest Kids U' Know at an event in 2010. From left to right: Moore, Timmy Williams, Darren Trumeter, Sam Brown, and Zach Cregger