Kakegurui Twin is a Japanese manga series written by Homura Kawamoto and illustrated by Kei Saiki. It is both a spin-off and a prequel to Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler, which is written by Kawamoto and illustrated by Tōru Naomura. It has been serialized in publisher Square Enix's Gangan Joker magazine since September 2015, with its individual chapters collected and published by Square Enix in fourteen tankōbon volumes as of July 2023. The manga has been licensed for English-language release in North America by Yen Press.
Cover of the first tankōbon volume, featuring Mary Saotome
Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler is a Japanese manga series written by Homura Kawamoto and illustrated by Tōru Naomura. It began serialization in Square Enix's Gangan Joker in March 2014, with its chapters additionally collected into seventeen tankōbon volumes as of July 2023. In North America, the manga has been licensed for English-language release by Yen Press. The series has also inspired numerous spin-off manga, including a prequel titled Kakegurui Twin.
First tankōbon volume cover, featuring Yumeko Jabami