The Shinto Kanamara Matsuri is an annual Japanese festival held each spring at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan. The exact dates vary: the main festivities fall on the first Sunday in April. The phallus, as the central theme of the event, is reflected in illustrations, candy, carved vegetables, decorations, and a mikoshi parade. The shrine is part of the Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine and located near Kawasaki-Daishi Station.
Kanamara Matsuri
Kanayama Shrine
Kanamara mikoshi
A phallus is a penis, an object that resembles a penis, or a mimetic image of an erect penis. In art history, a figure with an erect penis is described as ithyphallic.
Attic red-figure lid depicting three vulvae and a winged phallus. Origin unknown, c. 460–425 BC. Housed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.
Tintinnabulum from Pompeii showing a phallus with wings, feet and a tail
Ithyphallic man with a harp, Romano-Egyptian, 3rd–4th century, Brooklyn Museum
Polyphallic wind chime from Pompeii; a bell hung from each phallus