Karin Spaink is a journalist, writer and feminist.
Spaink named Freethinker of the Year 2015.
Karin Spaink in 2006.
DVG chair Van Langevelde honours Spaink as Freethinker of 2015.
T-shirt commemorating the legal victory against Scientology.
XS4ALL was an Internet service provider (ISP) in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1993 as an offshoot of the hackers club Hack-Tic
by Felipe Rodriquez, Rop Gonggrijp, Paul Jongsma and Cor Bosman, while based in Amsterdam. It was the sixth provider in the Netherlands and the second company to offer Internet access to private individuals. Initially only offering dial-in services via modem and ISDN, it later expanded to offer dial-up access as well as ADSL, VDSL, and fiber-optic (FTTH) services as well as mobile internet. The name is a play on the English pronunciation of access for all.
XS4ALL office at Sloterdijk, Amsterdam