Kim Jong Suk was a Korean anti-Japanese guerrilla, a Communist activist, North Korean leader Kim Il Sung's first wife, former leader Kim Jong Il's mother, and current leader Kim Jong Un's grandmother.
Kim in 1945
Birthplace of Kim Jong Suk in Hoeryong
Kim Jong Suk in her youth
Grave of Kim Jong Suk at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery
Kim Jong Il was a North Korean politician who was the second supreme leader of North Korea. He led North Korea from the death of his father Kim Il Sung in 1994 until his death in 2011, when he was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un. Afterwards, Kim Jong Il was declared Eternal General Secretary of the WPK.
Kim in 2011
Idealized portrait of Kim Jong Il
North Koreans bowing to the statues of Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung, at the Mansu Hill Grand Monument
Kim talking with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their 2001 meeting in Moscow