Kurt Elizabeth Hummel is a fictional character from the Fox musical comedy-drama series Glee. Series creators Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan initially conceived of him as a fashionable gay countertenor who is routinely bullied at school. Kurt is portrayed by actor Chris Colfer, and has appeared as a character on the show since its pilot episode, first broadcast on May 19, 2009. Glee follows the trials of the New Directions glee club at the fictional William McKinley High School in the town of Lima, Ohio, of which Kurt is a member. His storylines in the first season focus on his struggle with his sexuality as he comes out to his father and friends, and deals with his romantic feelings for Finn Hudson, the straight co-captain of the glee club.
Chris Colfer as Kurt Hummel in Glee
The storyline pairing Kurt and Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss, pictured) ran for most of the second season.
The scene where Kurt comes out is taken verbatim from the life of Glee creator Ryan Murphy (pictured).
Colfer has won several awards and received many award nominations for his portrayal of Kurt.
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that aired on Fox in the United States from May 19, 2009, to March 20, 2015. It centers on the New Directions, a glee club at the fictional William McKinley High School, that is located in the American state of Ohio, which competes as a show choir while its disparate members deal with social issues, especially regarding sexuality, race, family, teen relationships and teamwork.
Matthew Morrison was cast after Murphy spent three months observing actors on Broadway.
Cory Monteith portrayed glee club member Finn Hudson.
A promotional balloon for Glee in New York City.
Variety's Brian Lowry said that Jayma Mays as Emma offered "modest redemption" to an adult cast of "over-the-top buffoons".