A kyai is an expert in Islam, usually used among the ethnic Javanese people.
Wayang figure of Kyai Maja, a Javanese religious leader and follower of Prince Diponegoro in his rebellion against the Dutch in Java War.
Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, with 87% of the Indonesian population identifying themselves as Muslims, based on civil registry data in 2022. In terms of denomination, the overwhelming majority are Sunni Muslims; the Pew Research Center estimates them as comprising ~99% of the country's Muslim population in 2011, with the remaining 1% being Shia who are concentrated around Jakarta and about 400,000 Ahmadi as well. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim-majority country.
Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta
Many diverse Islamic denominations are practised within Indonesia.
The headquarters of Nahdlatul Ulama, an influential traditionalist Sunni Islam movement in the country.
Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor. Pesantren is the Indonesian Islamic boarding school where santri (students) stay and study Islamic teachings and other knowledges.