The educational computer LC80 was a single-board computer manufactured in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and intended for teaching purposes. It was the first computer that retail customers could buy in the GDR.
The learning computer with power supply
LC80 outside
Kombinat Mikroelektronik Erfurt
VEB Kombinat Mikroelektronik Erfurt was an important manufacturer of active electronic components in East Germany. It should not be confused with the more well-known VEB Kombinat Robotron Dresden which used integrated circuits from Kombinat Mikroelektronik in its computers.
Sculpture "Hand with chip" at the entrance of VEB Mikroelektronik "Karl Marx" Erfurt
Cleanroom at VEB Mikroelektronik "Karl Marx" Erfurt (1989)
U830Cm (VEB ZFTM Dresden, 1986)
U840PC02 (VEB Mikroelektronik "Karl Marx" Erfurt, 1989)