Lampropeltini is a tribe of colubrid snake endemic to New World. These include the kingsnakes, milk snake, corn snake, gopher snakes, pine snakes, and bullsnakes. At least 51 species have been recognized and the group have been heavily studied for biogeography, morphology, ecology, and phylogenetics. The internal relationships among the genera has been disputed, but generally the most supported placement of the genera are as follows:The basal placement of Senticolis
The sister relationship between Pantherophis and Pituophis, with at least one study in 2016 suggesting the former genus is paraphyletic in respect to the latter
The sister relationship between Cemophora and Lampropeltis
A clade consisting of genera of Rhinocheilus, Pseudelaphe, and Arizona
Kingsnakes are colubrid New World members of the genus Lampropeltis, which includes 26 species. Among these, about 45 subspecies are recognized. They are nonvenomous and ophiophagous in diet.
Mole kingsnake (Lampropeltis rhombomaculata)
California kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae)
Eastern kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula getula)