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Landsknechte, etching by Daniel Hopfer, c. 1530
Landsknechte, etching by Daniel Hopfer, c. 1530
Image of Landsknechte in the Geschichte des Kostüms
Image of Landsknechte in the Geschichte des Kostüms
Kaiser Maximilian I. und Georg von Frundsberg, depicting Maximilian I and Georg von Frundsberg, founders of the Landsknechte, by Karl von Blaas. 1868.
Kaiser Maximilian I. und Georg von Frundsberg, depicting Maximilian I and Georg von Frundsberg, founders of the Landsknechte, by Karl von Blaas. 1868. Kunsthistorisches Museum.
Standard bearer fighting against five Landsknechte (etching by Daniel Hopfer)
Standard bearer fighting against five Landsknechte (etching by Daniel Hopfer)
Leonardo da Vinci's Profilo di capitano antico, also known as il Condottiero, 1480. Condottiero meant "leader of mercenaries" in Italy during the Late
Leonardo da Vinci's Profilo di capitano antico, also known as il Condottiero, 1480. Condottiero meant "leader of mercenaries" in Italy during the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Private military contractor in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, 2006
Private military contractor in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, 2006
Alabaster-bas relief, non-Assyrian mercenaries in the Assyrian army. From the South-West Palace, Nineveh. 7th century BC
Alabaster-bas relief, non-Assyrian mercenaries in the Assyrian army. From the South-West Palace, Nineveh. 7th century BC
Chigi vase with Hoplites holding javelins and spears
Chigi vase with Hoplites holding javelins and spears