Lola Dewaere, also known as Lola Céleste Marie Bourdeaux, is a French actress well known for her portrayal of the resourceful and empathetic police commander Raphaëlle Coste in the television series Astrid et Raphaëlle — broadcast in the United States by PBS under the title Astrid — alongside Sara Mortensen, the trilingual actress who portrays Astrid, an autistic and brilliantly innovative criminologist.
Lola Dewaere in 2013
Lola Dewaere in 2012
Astrid et Raphaëlle, aired in the United Kingdom as Astrid: Murder in Paris, in the United States simply as Astrid, and in Spain as Bright Minds, is a Franco-Belgian detective television series, created by Alexandre de Seguins and Laurent Burtin. It was first broadcast on 12 April 2019 on France 2.
Lola Dewaere plays Commander Raphaëlle Coste
Sara Mortensen plays librarian Astrid Nielsen