Love Castle is a 2021 Nigerian film directed by Desmond Elliot, produced by United States-based Nigerian, Beatrice Funke Ogunmola and co-produced by Victor Ogunmola. The film centers on themes of tradition and family ties; it portrays Nigerian culture interwoven with disability and focuses on a deep-rooted belief about children living with disabilities, as experienced by the producers who have a child living with autism. It is a traditional story about the African culture of silence surrounding taboos.
Film poster
Desmond Oluwashola Elliot is a Nigerian actor, director, and politician. He was elected as a lawmaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Surulere Constituency, in the 11 April 2015 Nigerian General Elections. Elliot competed to become the ambassador for the Face of Hope Project, a "volunteer-based non-profit, non-religious, non-political organization established to give hope to the hopeless", in which he will work toward fixing "child illiteracy in Nigeria and Africa at large" should he emerge. He won best supporting actor in a drama at the 2nd Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards and was nominated for best supporting actor at the 10th Africa Movie Academy Awards.
Elliot at the 2014 Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards in Lagos