Love Live! School Idol Project (TV series)
Love Live! School Idol Project is an anime television series produced by Sunrise in collaboration with ASCII Media Works and Lantis as part of the Love Live! franchise. The series follows a group of school girls who form an idol group in order to save their school from being shut down. The first season aired 13 episodes on Tokyo MX from January 6 to March 31, 2013. The opening theme is "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de" , while the ending theme is "Kitto Seishun ga Kikoeru" ; both are performed by μ's. A second season aired from April 6 to June 29, 2014. The opening theme is "It's Our Miraculous Time" , while the ending theme is "Donna Toki mo Zutto" ; both are performed by μ's. Both seasons are licensed in North America by NIS America and are simulcast by Crunchyroll. An animated film, Love Live! The School Idol Movie, was released on June 13, 2015.
Promotional artwork
Love Live! School Idol Project Series is a Japanese multimedia project created by Hajime Yatate and Sakurako Kimino and co-produced by Kadokawa through ASCII Media Works; Bandai Namco Music Live through music label Lantis; and animation studio Sunrise. Each of the individual titles within the franchise revolve around teenage girls who become "school idols". Starting in June 2010 with Love Live! School Idol Project, the franchise has seen multiple anime television series, two anime films, light novels, manga, and video games. The rhythm game series Love Live! School Idol Festival features characters across multiple Love Live! titles.
The front cover of Love Live! Days volume 9, featuring Chika Takami and Honoka Kōsaka