M40 field protective mask
The M40 field protective mask was one of various protective masks used by the United States Armed Forces and its allies to protect from field concentrations of chemical and biological agents, along with radiological fallout particles. It is not effective in an oxygen deficient environment or against ammonia.
A soldier from the 70th Brigade Support Battalion, 210th Fires Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division wears the M40 during an NBC exercise in South Korea.
US Navy Seabees jog during an exercise with M40s worn.
ILC Dover, LP is a special engineering development and manufacturing company, globally headquartered in Frederica, Delaware. ILC Dover specializes in the use of high-performance flexible materials, serving the aerospace, personal protection, and pharmaceutical industries.
EMU suit worn during EVA on the International Space Station
M40 Gas Mask
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity airbag on the surface of Mars
Apollo Spacesuit worn by Buzz Aldrin