Maburaho is a romantic school comedy light novel series written by Toshihiko Tsukiji, illustrated by Eiji Komatsu and serialized in Gekkan Dragon Magazine. The light novel was adapted into a manga illustrated by Miki Miyashita and later developed into a 24 episode anime series produced by J.C.Staff and broadcast by WOWOW in Japan.
From left to right: Rin Kamishiro, Kazuki Shikimori, Yuna Miyama, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki
Yuna Miyama introduces herself to the class as Yuna Shikimori.
Dragon Magazine (Fujimi Shobo)
Dragon Magazine , frequently abbreviated as "Doramaga" or "DM", is a Japanese light novel and manga magazine aimed at young adult males, first published in 1988. Since March 19, 2008 the magazine has been published every other month. The light novel magazine Fantasia Battle Royal was a special edition of Dragon Magazine.
Dragon Magazine (Fujimi Shobo)