Magdalena Abakanowicz was a Polish sculptor and fiber artist. Known for her use of textiles as a sculptural medium and for outdoor installations, Abakanowicz has been considered among the most influential Polish artists of the postwar era. She worked as a professor of studio art at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland, from 1965 to 1990, and as a visiting professor at University of California, Los Angeles in 1984.
Abakanowicz in her studio, 2010
Nierozpoznani ("The Unrecognised Ones", 2002) at the Cytadela Park in Poznań, Poland (whole installation)
Nasher Sculpture Center, Untitled, 1980–1983. This image is a detail of Untitled, one of the largest sisal weavings Abakanowicz ever made.
Space of Unknown Growth (1997–1998) at the Europos Parkas, Lithuania
Fiber art refers to fine art whose material consists of natural or synthetic fiber and other components, such as fabric or yarn. It focuses on the materials and on the manual labor on the part of the artist as part of the works' significance, and prioritizes aesthetic value over utility.
Detail of design for Bluebell or Columbine printed art fabric, 1876, by William Morris.
Example of yarn bombing in Montreal, 2009, by fiber artist Olek