Makram Ebeid Pasha was an Egyptian politician. Ebeid was the Wafd Party secretary-general between 1936 and 1942. He was also the Minister of Finance 1930, 1936–1937, 1942. Ebeid helped establish the Wafd Party in Egypt, and he believed in liberal politics. He was involved in the 1919 revolution with his friend Saad Zaghloul and was one of the people who were exiled as a punishment, but he eventually returned to Egypt with some of the noblemen of that time.
Makram Ebeid Pasha
Ebeid (right) with Mostafa El-Nahas
Ebeid with Hassan al-Banna
The Wafd Party was a nationalist liberal political party in Egypt. It was said to be Egypt's most popular and influential political party for a period from the end of World War I through the 1930s. During this time, it was instrumental in the development of the 1923 constitution, and supported moving Egypt from dynastic rule to a constitutional monarchy, where power would be wielded by a nationally-elected parliament. The party was dissolved in 1952, after the 1952 Egyptian Revolution.
Saad Zahgloul, the party's founder and Prime minister from 1924-1925. He was the most prominent leader of the 1919 Egyptian revolution
Saad Zaghloul Pasha with members of the Wafd party.
Party leader and Prime minister Mustafa El-Nahas pasha with Secretary-general and Finance minister Makram Ebeid Pasha, and other prominent cabinet and party members during his leadership.
Blue Shirts parade at Abdeen Palace in 1936.