Meli or Mangi Meli Kiusa bin Rindi Makindara, also known as, , was a king of the Chaga in Moshi, one of the sovereign Chagga states in the late 1890s. Mangi means king in Kichagga. He was hanged by the German colonial government together with 19 other Chagga, Meru, and Arusha leaders. Thomas Kitimbo Kirenga, Sindato Kiutesha Kiwelu, King Ngalami of Siha, Tanzania, King Lolbulu of Meru, King Rawaito of Arusha, King Marai of Arusha, and King Molelia of Kibosho were among the noblemen on 2 March 1900.
Photo of Mangi Meli c .1890s
Meli as boy standing next to Dr.Hans Meyer visiting the Meli family before his Kilimanjaro ascent
Mangi Meli and his wives, his youngest wife Masinde is on the right c.1898 in Moshi
Mangi Meli and his Njama 1890s at the German Moshi Boma
The Chagga are a Bantu ethnic group from Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. They are the third-largest ethnic group in Tanzania. They historically lived in sovereign Chagga states on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in both Kilimanjaro Region and eastern Arusha Region.
Mangi Meli of Moshi's Boma with traditional late 19th century Chagga aesthetic and architecture c.1890s
Mandara, Sultan of the Chagga, Moshi.
Chief Meli, 1890s.
A Chagan cave (modified) to hide during tribal wars