Mannheim Business School (MBS) is the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim. The school offers four international MBA programs: the Mannheim Master of Business Administration, the Mannheim Executive MBA, the ESSEC & MANNHEIM Executive MBA and the MANNHEIM & TONGJI Executive MBA. The Mannheim Master of Accounting and Taxation program and the Mannheim Master in Management and Analytics program complete the MBS degree portfolio. Non-degree offerings include Executive Education and Digital Learning. Its legal form is a gGmbH, a non-profit Ltd, whose shareholders are the Prechel Foundation and the University of Mannheim.
Study and Conference Centre of Mannheim Business School in the Mannheim Palace
The University of Mannheim, abbreviated UMA, is a public research university in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Founded in 1967, the university has its origins in the Palatine Academy of Sciences, which was established by Elector Carl Theodor at Mannheim Palace in 1763, as well as the Handelshochschule, which was founded in 1907.
Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, founder of the Palatine Academy of Sciences
Otto Beck, one of the Founding Fathers of the Handelshochschule Mannheim
Eberhard Gothein, one of the Founders Fathers of the Handelshochschule Mannheim
The heart of the University of Mannheim's campus – the Palace in a 180 degrees panoramic view