The Mareuil Anticline, also called Mareuil-Meyssac Anticline, is a structural high within the sedimentary sequence of the northeastern Aquitaine Basin. The northwest-southeast trending anticline was caused by tectonic movements probably starting in the Upper Cretaceous.
A cross-section through the Mareuil Anticline with vertical exaggeration
The northwestern edge of the Mareuil Anticline. The Turonian (Angoumian) cliff is dipping 35° to the NNE.
Fossiliferous limestone is a type of limestone that contains noticeable quantities of fossils or fossil traces. If a particular type of fossil dominates, a more specialized term can be used as in "Crinoidal", "Coralline", "Conchoidal" limestone. If seashells, shell fragments, and shell sand form a significant part of the rock, a term "shell limestone" is used.
Sample of fossiliferous limestone
Examples of small fossils in limestone