Married to the Kellys is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from October 3, 2003 to April 23, 2004 with a run of 22 episodes. Set in a Kansas suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, the series stars Breckin Meyer and Kiele Sanchez. The show was a part of the TGIF Friday night line up, after Hope & Faith, airing at 9:30 EST. The show earned fair enough ratings to get picked up for a whole season, but it was cancelled at the end of the season.
The main characters of Married to the Kellys, (from left to right) Mary, Josh, Bill, Sandy, Lewis, and Tom & Susan (in front).
Breckin Meyer is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He is best known for his roles in films such as Clueless (1995), The Craft (1996), Road Trip (2000), Rat Race (2001), and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009). He played Jon Arbuckle in the live-action Garfield movies. He also voiced Joseph Gribble in King of the Hill (2000–2010), starred as Jared Franklin in Franklin & Bash (2011–2014), and has contributed to the stop-motion animated sketch show Robot Chicken (2005–).
Meyer in 2011
Meyer in February 2007