The Matsunaga clan is a Japanese Samurai Clan who are descended from the Fujiwara clan.
Fujiwara Seika's younger sister married into the Matsunaga clan
Matsunaga Danjo Hisahide, one of the few portraits where he is not shown as an old shrewd man.
Toh Matsunaga when he took office as the Minister of Education
This is a list of Japanese clans. The old clans (gÅzoku) mentioned in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki lost their political power before the Heian period, during which new aristocracies and families, kuge, emerged in their place. After the Heian period, the samurai warrior clans gradually increased in importance and power until they came to dominate the country after the founding of the first shogunate.
Mon of the Akita clan
Mon of the Inoue clan
Crown of Baekje found in the Tomb of King Muryeong
Kudara shrine of the Kudara no Konikishi clan