Matthew Carter is a British type designer. A 2005 New Yorker profile described him as 'the most widely read man in the world' by considering the amount of text set in his commonly used typefaces.
Matthew Carter in 2018
Carter showing his DTL Flamande typeface, circa 1986
ITC Galliard is the name of a serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter and issued in 1978 by the Mergenthaler Linotype Company.
Granjon's punches for the italic Galliard is based on. The second row shows both forms of the 'g'.
Robert Granjon's Ascendonica italic, the model for Galliard's, shown in a 1611 book. The 'pelican' 'g' is used in the second line and a conventional two-storey 'g' in other parts of the text.