Max Décharné is an English rock musician and singer, and the author of ten books, mostly non-fiction, and numerous short stories.
Max Décharné
Paul Byrne, who used the pseudonym Frank Key, was a British writer, illustrator, blogger and broadcaster best known for his self-published short-story collections and his long-running radio series Hooting Yard on the Air, which was broadcast weekly on Resonance FM from April 2004 until 2019. Key co-founded the Malice Aforethought Press with Max Décharné and published the fiction of Ellis Sharp. According to one critic, "Frank Key can probably lay claim to having written more nonsense than any other man living."
Key giving a reading in 2011
Twitching and Shattered, Malice Aforethought, 1989
A ghoul from the 1994 Hooting Yard Calendar
The Hooting Yard 'implausible' emblem