The term Middle or Central Pomerania can refer to two distinct areas, depending on whether it is used as a translation of the corresponding German or Polish terms Mittelpommern or Pomorze Środkowe, respectively.
Projected Central Pomeranian Voivodeship
Koszalin is a city in northwestern Poland, in Western Pomerania. It is located 12 kilometres south of the Baltic Sea coast, and intersected by the river Dzierżęcinka. Koszalin is also a county-status city and capital of Koszalin County of West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Image: Koszalin Rynek Staromiejski w 2014 roku
Image: Koszalin Wieża Katedry Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny 2018 02 28 16 12 51
Image: Pdsoki Pałac Młynarzy Muzeum Miejskie przy ul Młyńskiej w Koszalinie 03
Image: Rb josef