Miss Lovely is a 2012 Indian drama film directed by Ashim Ahluwalia and set in the criminal depths of Mumbai's C-grade industry. Ahluwalia's debut feature follows the story of the Duggal brothers who produce sleazy sex-horror films in the mid-1980s. The plot explores the intense and mutually destructive relationship between younger sibling Sonu Duggal, played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and his elder brother, Vicky. Sonu finds himself drawn to a mysterious young woman named Pinky eventually leading to his downfall. Miss Lovely had its cinematic release on 17 January 2014. The film has received the National Film Award – Special Jury Award and Best Production Design at the 61st National Film Awards.
Film poster
Ashim Ahluwalia is a film director and screenwriter. He made his directorial debut with the feature-length documentary John & Jane (2005), which had a world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and a European premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival, and won him the 2005 National Film Award for Best First Non-Feature Film of a Director. This was followed by his first narrative feature film Miss Lovely, premiered at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. which won him India's National Film Award – Special Jury Award, and Best Production Design at the 61st National Film Awards.
Ashim Ahluwalia, Mumbai 2016