Moana 2 is an upcoming American animated musical fantasy adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The second installment in the Moana franchise and the sequel to Moana (2016), the film was written and directed by David G. Derrick Jr. and produced by Osnat Shurer. Auliʻi Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson will reprise their roles as Moana and Maui, respectively.
Official logo
Moana, also known as Vaiana or Oceania in some markets, is a 2016 American animated musical fantasy adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, co-directed by Chris Williams and Don Hall, and produced by Osnat Shurer, from a screenplay written by Jared Bush and a story by Clements, Musker, Williams, Hall, Pamela Ribon, and the writing team of Aaron and Jordan Kandell.
Theatrical release poster
Auliʻi Cravalho at the film's premiere in Samoa in December 2016
Dwayne Johnson played the co-starring role of Maui in Moana.
Rachel House reprised her role in the Māori version of Moana, and took over the direction of the dubbing.