Monserrate is a high mountain over 3,000 metres high that dominates the city center of Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia. It rises to 3,152 meters (10,341 ft) above the sea level, where there is a church with a shrine, devoted to El Señor Caído.
Montserrat in Catalonia, the namesake of Monserrate in Bogotá
Guadalupe seen from Monserrate
Top of Monserrate
Montserrat is a multi-peaked mountain range near Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain. It is part of the Catalan Pre-Coastal Range. The main peaks are Sant Jeroni, Montgrós and Les Agulles.
Montserrat seen from Manresa
Panorama of the view from the Sant Jeroni summit of Montserrat
Mountain seen from Puig Lluent with a sea of clouds.
Large-scale layering in the conglomerate sequence