Moctezuma's headdress is a featherwork headdress or military device which tradition holds belonged to Moctezuma II, the Aztec emperor at the time of the Spanish conquest. However, its provenance is uncertain, and even its identity as a headdress has been questioned. It is made of quetzal and other feathers with sewn-on gold detailing. It is now in the Weltmuseum Wien, and is a source of dispute between Austria and Mexico, as no similar pieces remain in Mexico.
Montezuma's headdress
Late 17th-century portrayal of Moctezuma II, wearing a xiuhhuitzolli, which was the royal crown used by Mexica emperors.
Modern reproduction of Moctezuma's headdress, in the Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City
The Weltmuseum Wien in Vienna is the largest anthropological museum in Austria, established in 1876. It is housed in a wing of the Hofburg Imperial Palace and holds a collection of more than 400,000 ethnographical and archaeological objects from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and America.
The Weltmuseum Wien is housed in a wing of the Hofburg Imperial Palace
Interior view of the museum