Mosess "Moe" Fishman fought with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and was wounded during the Spanish Civil War. He was general secretary of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veterans' Association.
Moe Fishman at 70th anniversary reunion of Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, New York City April–May 2006
The Lincoln Battalion was the 17th battalion of the XV International Brigade, a mixed brigade of the International Brigades also known as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. It was organized by the Communist International and named after US President Abraham Lincoln who led the US during the American Civil War.
The Lincoln Battalion, Tom Mooney Company
Washington, D.C., February 12, 1938. First National Conference of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. From left to right: Francis J. Gorman, President of the United Textile Workers of America; Lieut. Robert Raven, wounded and blinded in Spain; and Commander Paul Burns.
A political button worn by supporters of the unit
American veterans.