Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, often referred to by his initials NTR, was an Indian actor, filmmaker and politician who served as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh for seven years over three terms. He is considered one of the greatest, and most influential actors and filmmakers in the history of Indian cinema. He starred in over 300 films, predominantly in Telugu cinema, and was referred to as Viswa Vikhyatha Nata Sarvabhouma. Rao received three National Film Awards for co-producing Thodu Dongalu (1954) and Seetharama Kalyanam (1960) under National Art Theater, Madras, and for directing Varakatnam (1970).
Rao in 1952
Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao in Pathala Bhairavi (1951)
Rao's memorial at NTR Gardens, Hyderabad
N. T. Rama Rao commemorative stamp
Telugu cinema, also known as Tollywood, is the segment of Indian cinema dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Telugu language, widely spoken in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Telugu cinema is based in Film Nagar, Hyderabad. As of 2021, Telugu cinema is the largest film industry in India in terms of box-office. Telugu films sold 23.3 crore tickets in 2022, the highest among various film industries in India.
Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu, father of Telugu cinema.
Promotional poster of Bhakta Prahlada the first full-length Telugu talkie to have a theatrical release.
Hyderabad International Convention Center has been the Hyderabad home for Filmfare Awards South since 2007.