New Girl is an American television sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether and produced by 20th Century Fox Television for Fox that aired from September 20, 2011, to May 15, 2018. The series revolves around a quirky teacher, Jessica Day, after she moves into a Los Angeles loft with three men, Nick Miller, Schmidt, and Coach. Former roommate Winston Bishop and Jess's best friend Cece Parekh later join the characters. The show combines comedy and drama elements as the characters, who are in their late 20s and early 30s, deal with relationship issues and career choices. New Girl is a joint production between Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures and 20th Century Fox Television and is syndicated by 20th Television.
Title card for seasons 5–7
Executive producers Dave Finkel, Brett Baer, Elizabeth Meriwether and producer/actress Zooey Deschanel at Paley Fest 2012.
The show's main cast: Zooey Deschanel (Jess), Jake Johnson (Nick), Max Greenfield (Schmidt), Lamorne Morris (Winston), and Hannah Simone (Cece) at Paley Fest 2012.
Elizabeth Hughes Meriwether is an American writer, producer and television showrunner. She is known for creating the Fox sitcom New Girl, and for writing the play Oliver Parker! (2010) and the romantic comedy film No Strings Attached (2011). She also created the ABC sitcoms Single Parents and Bless This Mess and the Hulu drama The Dropout.
Elizabeth Meriwether