No-No Boy (2010) is a play written by Ken Narasaki adapted from the novel of the same title by John Okada, originally produced at the Miles Memorial Playhouse in Santa Monica, California, in association with Timescape Arts Group. It is a drama in two acts. The play was directed by Alberto Isaac, and received its world premiere on Saturday, March 27, 2010. The story follows a Japanese American World War II draft resister as he returns home from prison, in 1946.
World Premiere poster
No-No Boy is a 1957 novel, and the only novel published by the Japanese American writer John Okada. It tells the story of a Japanese-American in the aftermath of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Set in Seattle, Washington, in 1946, the novel is written in the voice of an omniscient narrator who frequently blends into the voice of the protagonist.
First edition
Front cover of the University of Washington Press 1976 edition of No-No Boy with Bob Onodera's design