Ocotea bullata, is a species of flowering tree native to South Africa. It produces very fine and valuable timber which was formerly much sought after to make furniture. Due to over-exploitation it is now a protected species. Other names for it are Cape Walnut, Cape laurel, and laurel wood. The name "stinkwood" comes from a strong smell that is released when it is fresh felled.
Ocotea bullata
Giant stinkwood tree in indigenous afrotemperate forest, South Africa.
The clean, straight trunk of a young Stinkwood.
Ocotea is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Lauraceae. Many are evergreen trees with lauroid leaves.
O. tenera leaves and fruit
Ocotea bullata on South African Afromontane forests
Dried ishpingo (O. quixos) cupules can be used as spice.