The open cabildo is a traditional Hispanic American political action for convening citizens to deliberate policy. Originating in Spanish America as an iteration of the cabildo, it also spread to Spain.
Cabildo abierto del 22 de mayo de 1810 by Pedro Subercaseaux
Venezuela's Juan Guaidó at an open cabildo in January 2019
A cabildo or ayuntamiento was a Spanish colonial and early postcolonial administrative council that governed a municipality. Cabildos were sometimes appointed, sometimes elected, but were considered to be representative of all land-owning heads of household (vecinos). The colonial cabildo was essentially the same as the one that was developed in medieval Castile.
1810 meeting of the cabildo in Buenos Aires
Depiction of the main cabildo buildings of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.
Cabildo of Salta, Argentina.
Vargas, José María; Cevallos García, Gabriel and others investigators. (1985)