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The Italian cargo liner Duchessa d'Aosta captured during the raid
The Italian cargo liner Duchessa d'Aosta captured during the raid
Gulf of Guinea. Fernando Po, now called Bioko, is the island nearest the mainland.
Gulf of Guinea. Fernando Po, now called Bioko, is the island nearest the mainland.
Modern (2007) picture of Santa Isabel from the air
Modern (2007) picture of Santa Isabel from the air
The Flower-class corvette HMS Violet
The Flower-class corvette HMS Violet
Bioko in the distance from Limbe, Cameroon
Bioko in the distance from Limbe, Cameroon
A 1903 postage stamp of Fernando Po
A 1903 postage stamp of Fernando Po
Coastline of Bioko
Coastline of Bioko
Pirogues on Arena Blanca beach
Pirogues on Arena Blanca beach