Order of Saint Lazarus (statuted 1910)
The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem is a Christian order that was statuted in 1910 by a council of Catholics in Paris, France, initially under the protection of Patriarch Cyril VIII Geha of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. During the 1920s, it expanded its jurisdiction and enrolled members from other countries in Europe and in the Americas. It re-established the office of grand master in 1935, linking the office to members of the Spanish branch of the House of Bourbon. It assumed an ecumenical dimension during the 1950s to expand its membership to individuals of other Trinitarian Christian denominations in British Commonwealth countries.
A summary timeline of the order, showing the relationships of the current rival obediences.
Patriarch Cyril VIII Jaha of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the order's spiritual protector (1910–1916).
Castello Lanzun, a property of the Malta-Paris obedience in Malta.
Officer of the order.
Gregory III Laham, B.S., Emeritus Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, of Alexandria and Jerusalem, is the former spiritual leader of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. He was elected on November 29, 2000, succeeding Patriarch Maximos V Hakim. He retired on May 6, 2017.
Gregory III Laham
Gregory III with Archbishop Joseph Jules Zerey.
Patriarch Gregory III.