Out Run is an arcade driving video game released by Sega in September 1986. It is known for its pioneering hardware and graphics, nonlinear gameplay, a selectable soundtrack with music composed by Hiroshi Kawaguchi, and the hydraulic motion simulator deluxe arcade cabinet. The goal is to avoid traffic and reach one of five destinations.
The sit-down deluxe motion simulator cabinet version of Out Run
Racing games are a video game genre in which the player participates in a racing competition. They may be based on anything from real-world racing leagues to fantastical settings. They are distributed along a spectrum between more realistic racing simulations and more fantastical arcade-style racing games. Kart racing games emerged in the 1990s as a popular sub-genre of the latter. Racing games may also fall under the category of sports video games.
Sega Rally arcade racing games at the Veljekset Keskinen department store in Tuuri, Finland in 2017
Sierra On-Line was a leading publisher of 1990s simulation racing games, including titles like NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition and Grand Prix Legends.
Daytona USA (1994) twin-seat arcade cabinet