Outlaws is a British television comedy-drama series, first broadcast on BBC Three on 1 October 2004, that ran for a total of twelve episodes across a single series. The series stars Phil Daniels as Bruce Dunbar, the head of a shifty legal firm dealing in criminal law, who trains new employee Theodore Gulliver in his fairly underhand methods. While Gulliver, fighting Dunbar's influence, tries to do his job as best he can, Dunbar has his own problems, from clients who ransack his offices, to dealing with his self-abusive teenage daughter. Produced by World Productions, the series was described as a mixture of black comedy and an accurate portrayal of the inner workings of the British legal system.
DVD cover
BBC Three is a British free-to-air public broadcast television channel owned and operated by the BBC. It was first launched on 9 February 2003 with programmes targeting 16 to 34-year-olds, covering all genres including comedy, reality shows, documentaries, news, current affairs, adult animation, and drama series. The television channel closed down in 2016 and was relaunched in 2022 after being replaced by an online-only BBC Three streaming channel. The channel broadcasts daily from 7:00 pm to 4:00 am, timesharing with CBBC
One of the former "Blobs" between 2003 and 2008