Panhard was a French motor vehicle manufacturer that began as one of the first makers of automobiles. It was a manufacturer of light tactical and military vehicles. Its final incarnation, now owned by Renault Trucks Defense, was formed by the acquisition of Panhard by Auverland in 2005, and then by Renault in 2012. In 2018 Renault Trucks Defense, ACMAT and Panhard combined under a single brand, Arquus.
Panhard et Levassor (1887–1895). This model was the first registered automobile in Portugal
Panhard et Levassor's Daimler Motor Carriage, 1894
12 h.p. Panhard, ca. 1902
1933 Panhard et Levassor X74
Auverland, now grouped with Panhard, is a French manufacturer of Jeep-like four-wheel-drive and armoured fighting vehicles. It bought Panhard from Peugeot in April 2005, and in a reverse takeover the combined company now uses the better known Panhard name.
Auverland A3 Front
Brazilian-built JPX Montez, based on the Auverland A3
Avia 11 version of the A3