Pardon the Interruption is an American sports talk television show that airs weekdays on various ESPN TV channels. It is hosted by Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon, who discuss, and frequently argue over, the top stories of the day in "sports... and other stuff".
Tony Kornheiser, Michael Wilbon and Tony Reali meeting President Barack Obama.
Image: Tony Kornheiser 2011
Image: Michael Wilbon 2011
Anthony Irwin Kornheiser is an American television sports talk show host and former sportswriter and columnist. Kornheiser is best known for his endeavors in three forms of media: as a writer for The Washington Post from 1979 to 2008, as a co-host of ESPN's Emmy Award-winning sports debate show Pardon the Interruption since 2001, and as the host of The Tony Kornheiser Show, a radio show and podcast. Longtime ESPN executive John Walsh once declared that "in the history of sports media, [Kornheiser] is the most multitalented person ever."
Kornheiser in 2011
Tony Reali, Tony Kornheiser, and Michael Wilbon (left to right) meeting President Barack Obama.