Pasoeroean Stoomtram Maatschappij
The Pasoeroean Stoomtram Maatschappij, N.V. was a private tramway in Pasuruan on the Dutch East Indies. It served passenger transport as well as goods transport of agricultural products such as sugarcane, tea and tobacco.
PsSM's freight train with coupled Hohenzollern PsSM (?) B16 tram engine-Cockerill PsSM 6/ C2201 Louisa, ca 1910
Image: Ps SM
Chinatown of Broodbakkerstraat (now Jalan Niaga) in Pasuruan from Hoofdstraat (now Jalan Soekarno Hatta)
Traffic light over the intersection in the Hoofdstraat of Pasuruan
Pasuruan is a city in East Java Province of Java, Indonesia. It had a population of 186,262 at the 2010 Census and 208,006 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2023 was 212,466.
Jami Al-Anwar Mosque at night
The Hotel Morbeck (left side) on Heerenstraat (now Balaikota str.) in Pasuruan, circa 1870-1891
Pasuruan City Hall (1934)
Pasuruan railway station from Hoofdstraat or de Groote Postweg (now Soekarno Hatta rd.) (1929)