Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'
The Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus', also known as the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, is the title of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is often preceded by the honorific "His Holiness". As the ordinary of the Diocese of Moscow, the office holder's direct canonical remit extends only to Moscow; however, as Patriarch, the office holder has a number of church-wide administrative powers as laid down by the charter of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'
Isidore of Kiev
The Russian Orthodox Church, alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate, is an autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian church. It has 194 dioceses inside Russia. The primate of the ROC is the Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'.
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, Russia
Russian Orthodox monks defended the Trinity monastery against Polish troops during the Time of Troubles. Painting by Sergey Miloradovich.
An Old Believer Priest, Nikita Pustosviat, Disputing the Matters of Faith with Patriarch Joachim. Painting by Vasily Perov
St. Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk